Sound Healing + Full Moon in Sagittarius

Sound Healing + Full Moon in Sagittarius

Sound Healing uses specific instruments to create  tones of harmony and dissonance for the purpose of healing. The vibrations from the instruments help to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. A Sound Healing Ceremony provides a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, emotional release, and healing. 

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Sound Healing + Full Moon in Capricorn

Sound Healing + Full Moon in Capricorn

Sound Healing uses specific instruments to create  tones of harmony and dissonance for the purpose of healing. The vibrations from the instruments help to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. A Sound Healing Ceremony provides a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, emotional release, and healing. 

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Cacao Ceremony + Sound Healing

Cacao Ceremony + Sound Healing

Cacao Ceremony + Sound Healing

A cacao ceremony is a spiritual ritual that involves eating ceremonial-grade cacao in a group to promote personal growth, healing, and connection. The ceremony has its origins in ancient Mayan and Aztec traditions and has been conducted by the Maya and Ancient Aztec civilization since 1900 B.C. Enjoy delicious ceremonial Cacao and Sound Healing.

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Sound Healing + First Quarter Moon in Cancer

Sound Healing + First Quarter Moon in Cancer

Sound Healing uses specific instruments to create  tones of harmony and dissonance for the purpose of healing. The vibrations from the instruments help to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. A Sound Healing Ceremony provides a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, emotional release, and healing. 

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Sound Healing + New Moon in Pisces

Sound Healing + New Moon in Pisces

Sound Healing uses specific instruments to create  tones of harmony and dissonance for the purpose of healing. The vibrations from the instruments help to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. A Sound Healing Ceremony provides a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, emotional release, and healing. 

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Sound Healing + New Moon in Aquarius

Sound Healing + New Moon in Aquarius

Held at Lauren's Healing Haven home in Alpharetta. Enjoy a cleansing and restorative Sound Healing, an informative Oracle Card reading, Mindful Meditation, receive journaling prompts, and we'll have a burn ceremony to release that which no longer serves. The New Moon in Aquarius reminds us that anything is possible if we believe it. Think outside the box, get creative, set intentions that reflect the person you want to be, that you are becoming

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Workshops + Training

Connect with Lauren to schedule a training. 1:1 and small groups available.

  • Sound Healing uses specific instruments to create tones of harmony and dissonance for the purpose of healing. The vibrations from the instruments help to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. A Sound Healing Ceremony provides a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, emotional release, and healing.

    Lauren Corsillo uses the healing power of sound frequencies to heal diseases, ease pain, create relaxation and comfort, and bring balance to a person's energy field. Sound Healing also helps to boost immunity, and brings to the surface that which needs to be healed.

    This ceremony provides comfort and safe space to relax and meditate. The quartz crystal bowls and other instruments like drums and chimes, create a soothing combination of high frequencies, to connect to spirit (crown, third eye, throat, heart), and lower frequencies to help ground and restore our place in the world (root, sacral, solar plexus).

    All frequencies are healing and we need the full range of sound for healing to take place at each energy center, or Chakra (wheel of light). The seven chakras are energy vortexes that relate to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

    Chakras work together in balance and harmony, and when imbalances occur, it creates disease, pain, mood imbalances, and other maladaptive issues.

    Benefits to participating in a Sound Healing Ceremony

    Reduces stress and chronic pain

    Promotes deep relaxation, rest, and better sleep

    Increases self-awareness, connection to spirit, God, the ethereal, spiritual plane

    Provides insight, creativity, and learning

    Brings to the surface that which needs to be healed

    Additional Ceremonial Healing Tools

    Essential oils to awaken the senses and promote relaxation

    Incense to create sacred space and honor our guides

    Sage and Palo Santo to clear out any blocks or negative energy

    Crystals restore energy and balance to our Chakras

    Reiki and Energy Healing to provide addition healing to each person in the circle

    Oracle cards bring insight and intuition and sharing and deep connection

    Sharing Circle, inviting individuals to share their experience with the group

    Create a Sacred Container to provide safe space for healing

    Sound healing is a complementary therapeutic technique that enhances one’s healing journey.

  • Reiki or energy healing provides client’s with energy balancing, aura cleansing, release of blocked energies, and creates relaxation, harmony, and balance in the body.

    The Reiki practitioner can use sound to move energy, movement, hands above the body, or hands on healing.

    The Five Reiki Principles:

    Just for today, I will not worry. (Trust in the universe, in spirit).

    Just for today, I will not be angry. (Breath, relax, forgive, let go).

    Just for today, I will be grateful. (Grateful for what we have, attraction).

    Just for today, I will do my work honestly. (With purpose, fulfillment).

    Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. (We all deserve loving kindness).

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy, or Chi, flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

    If one's Chi is low, we are more likely to get sick, feel the negative impact of stress, have trouble sleeping or issues in relationships. If our Chi is high (high vibes), we are healthy and happy and emotionally and spiritually balanced.

    The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words:

    Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power." Ki which is "life force energy". Reiki works with spiritually guided life force energy, to help create balance and harmony for mind, body, and spirit.

    A Reiki session feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.

    Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include: relaxation, feelings of peace, security, safety, vitality and wellbeing.

    To be attuned in Reiki, complete Reiki 1, 2, and Master Class, and you’ll be able to teach Reiki to other healers, continue to practice Reiki on yourself, clients, friends, family, animals, while also helping heal Mother Earth and all beings.

  • Mindfulness is paying attention, being in the present moment, being the observer of your life, of your thoughts and emotions and behaviors, and being a practitioner of non-judgment and loving-kindness.

    In ‘Mindfulness for Beginners’ by Jon Kabat-Zinn, he describes the foundations of mindfulness practice, they include:

    Non-Judging, Patience, the Beginner's Mind, Trust, Non-Striving, Acceptance, and Letting Go.

    Learning to meditate formally, taking time to sit with discomfort, getting comfortable being, getting to know YOU, being vs. doing, sitting regularly in your practice, in stillness and silence, is part of the journey as well.

    At the end of this workshop or coaching series, you will know how to meditate, how to practice mindfulness in everyday life, and you will have the tools to go inward and continue your lifelong journey of being in the present moment fully.

  • This class will include an informative overview of types of guides, guided mediations and Reiki to assist you in connecting with your Guardian Angels, Spirit Animals, and Ancestors.

    You will obtain the tools needed to continue your healing journey, with the help and love and limitless support from your helpers. Be prepared to walk alongside, with awareness and gratitude, your personal spiritual guides and protectors!

  • Home Blessing and Clearing, to bring in positive energy, clear out unwanted energies and place protection around the space, and blessings for all who enter the home.

    Feng Shui to align and preserve good energy flow, using a bagua grid, consult on where to put certain energy items to bring in good fortune, love, and luck.

  • Connect with your guides and receive messages from spirit using Oracle Cards.

    A variety of decks are available, from Spirit Animals, Sacred Places, Guides, Divine Feminine, and more.

    Includes detailed messages from guide books and any messages received during the reading.

    Oracle Card readings are often paired with a Reiki healing session, Meditation session, or Sound Healing Ceremony.